Delivering His Beloved Woman To His Rival

Perhaps Xu Xiyan still held a trace of rebelliousness within her. She would rather go up against the world than compromise on her principles.

She was fine with not marrying in this lifetime. But if she was to marry, she must marry a man she loves. It was all or nothing with her.

"What's wrong? Are you angry with me?"

It had been awhile since Jing Zhannan and Xu Xiyan had seen each other. Jing Zhannan didn't want to make his reunion with his niece awkward, so he tried to ease the situation. He said to her placatingly, "Tell me, how did you meet Mr. Huo?"

"It was by chance."

Xu Xiyan would be lying if she said she was not angry. She pouted, expressing her dissatisfaction. "Uncle, you still have yet to tell me how his condition is now."

"It was nothing serious. He'll be fine after having some rest."

"Can you get someone to take me to see him?

"Sure, let me arrange it."