He Had Left Without Saying Goodbye

The next day, Xu Xiyan woke up early and cooked some nutritious porridge, just like she had done the day before. She also prepared some exquisite and appetizing side dishes. After packing the food, she made her way towards the barracks to find Ye Xun.

"Second senior, can you accompany me today?"

Ye Xun lay in bed, wrapped in a blanket as he pretended to be asleep. That's right, he was being deliberate. He just didn't want to accompany her to the hospital.

"Second senior!"

Xu Xiyan shouted several times but Ye Xun was still ignoring her. Xu Xiyan felt her blood boiling. She had no choice but to kick him, sending him and his blanket rolling off the bed and onto the floor.

Ker-thunk! Ye Xun fell to the ground and hit his head against the sharp corner of a table leg, pain flaring up in his head. "Little Xixi, you mother*cker! Would it kill you to treat me more gently?"

Xu Xiyan rolled her eyes. "Who told you to ignore me!? You deserve it!"