Seek Justice

Could this be her mother's diary?

Would there be any valuable information recorded inside?

After removing the old password lock with a pair of pliers, Xu Xiyan slowly opened the diary.

The yellowed paper exuded a musty smell. On the flyleaf of the diary, Xu Xiyan spotted a line of her mother's delicate handwriting.

[In the dark of the night, the moon rises high]

In the diary, Xu Xiyan discovered her mother's secret.

It could be said that the diary had truthfully recorded her emotional entanglements with three men in her best years.

H, a man who was forced to break up with her due to a misunderstanding. F, her true love who had been unable to be with her despite loving each other. Lastly, X, a gentleman who turned out to be the destroyer of her life.

Xu Xiyan didn't know who H and F were, but according to the contents in the diary, she was sure that X was Xu Jinshan.