Teaching An Old Witch A Good Lesson

Xu Xiyan stopped in her tracks. She glared coldly at the nagging old lady and sneered in her heart.

She had heard plenty of such derogatory words before.

This visually challenged old lady had always looked down on her and her mother.

When she came to think about it, she realized that in her painful past of one or two decades, much of her pain was caused by this old lady.

Although respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue, Xu Xiyan could not bring herself to respect the old lady.

She stood in the old lady's way and sneered, "That's right, madam. I'm a troublemaker and a natural-born bringer of bad luck. I just couldn't compare to my sister and I'm not as pleasant as her. I'm afraid that I'll never learn to be a good human being in this lifetime."

The old lady shot an angry look at her. "I don't like listening to your words, girl. You said that you broke off from your family. Why did you come back?