This Is God’s Will

The two bullets that he had taken for Xu Xiyan back in Estan had affected his body badly. There had been hope for his body to fully recover, but now, it had become worse.

He could only lie in bed all day. If it weren't for the need to do a CT scan, he may not have gotten the chance to leave his house.

As for matters related to JS, they were all being taken care of by Yi Xiao. All of Yunhai's affairs were entrusted to his big brother, Huo Jingtang. What could he do now?

He could only wait for his death.

Huo Yunshen was wheeled out of the CT scan room. Huo Jingtang, who had been waiting outside, came over to help. He joined the nurse and they wheeled Huo Yunshen to the ground floor.

"Big brother, you're busy with the company. You don't have to accompany me personally," Huo Yunshen said.

"It's fine. There is nothing more important than you," Huo Jingtang said earnestly. In the eyes of outsiders, he looked perfectly like a caring elder brother.