Missing Him So Badly

He covered her with a blanket. After her body was sweating all over, her fever began to recede quickly.

He got a bowl of hot water, dipped a towel into it and wrung it out before using it to wipe the sweat off her body. Once she was clean, he helped her change into a clean set of clothes.

Xu Xiyan no longer had a high fever, finally falling asleep quietly. Huo Yunshen held her hand as he silently stayed by her side.

He knew what he was doing was wrong and that he had to let her go eventually. For now, however, he chose to look away from the truth by telling himself: just a little longer, just one more minute…

He watched over her for the whole night. When it was close to dawn, he left her apartment reluctantly.

The sky had turned bright outside. Xu Xiyan woke up and her head was no longer aching. Her mind was a lot less foggy now and her body no longer ached as much. Other than a stuffy nose, the other symptoms of her cold had been alleviated.