A Preemptive Strike

"Can't say whether you can even strangle me to death, but if you're still not letting me go, I'm going to shout—Help! Someone molested me!"

At the same time Xu Xiyan shouted "help," she quickly grabbed the back of his jacket and yanked it over his head, then pounded at him with her fist. "Stinking hooligan, you dare molest me…"

One by one, the busybodies in the restaurant turned their heads after hearing a girl scream for help.

They saw a girl beating up a hooligan. There were several men who could not just stand by and watch, and decided to come to her rescue, rushing over to bash up the hooligan.

Chu Yuhe's head was covered by his own jacket and he could not see anything. He was punted to the ground by the group of men as they gave him a good walloping.

"Stop! Don't beat me… I'm not a hooligan…"