He Could Feel His Legs

Xu Xiyan knew Huo Yunshen viewed his pride highly and did not take off his pants completely. She pulled them down until they stayed under his knees.

His knees had also been scratched by the broken glass, as deep wounds appeared on them.

Xu Xiyan remained quiet as she started to take care of his wounds. Just as the disinfectant came in touch with the wounds, Xu Xiyan noticed that his legs were shaking a little.

"Mr. Huo, does it hurt?" Xu Xiyan asked in surprise.

"Yeah, just a little," Huo Yunshen replied not thinking about the question much as he had his whole attention on her.

"Really? This is great news!" Xu Xiyan shouted, like she'd just discover a huge secret. "Could it be that your legs are regaining their ability to feel?"

"Ability to feel?" Huo Yunshen gasped as he lowered his head and looked at his legs. "Jing Xi, try putting some disinfectant on them again!"