Staring at Him

Is she embarrassed because she saw this? Huo Yunshen asked himself. Shit! This is going to leave a bad impression on her.

Just as Huo Yunshen was cursing at himself, Xu Xiyan returned with a set of new clothes. She'd brought him a button down shirt because of the state of his hands.

Huo Yunshen put on the white shirt, and it instantly made him look more attractive.

Xu Xiyan helped him button his shirt, leaving the top two unbuttoned.

"Very charming," Xu Xiyan complimented after taking two steps back.

"Thank you," Huo Yunshen smiled. Her compliment was even sweeter than candy.

He was feeling much better, even the pain of his wounds had lessened.

"Have you eaten?" Xu Xiyan asked as she pushed him out of the bathroom, but did not wait for him to reply. "There's an 80% chance that you haven't. Why don't we eat together?"

"Okay," Huo Yunshen nodded happily, as he missed her foods.