Mommy’s Sweet Baby Girl

She had found her goal. She wanted to buy the best daddy in the world, and that candidate was Uncle Dimples.

Xu Xiyan felt like laughing, but she continued to play along, pretending to cry. "Oh? You and Uncle Dimples are already sharing secrets? Don't you love me anymore? Boohoohoo… Mommy is so miserable…"

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the call. Finally, the little girl felt sorry for her mother and gave in. "Mommy, please don't cry. Baby will tell you now: Baby wanted to see Uncle Dimples because Baby wanted to buy him and bring him home for you."

"Huh?" Her daughter's words struck her like lightning. She asked again, "Baby, do you really want to buy Uncle Dimples?"

"Yeah, Uncle Dimples is the gentlest and the kindest man I've ever seen, He is the most suitable person to become Baby's daddy."