A Slap To His Face

Nobody could tell that Huo Yunshen's hands were injured because Xu Xiyan had redone his bandages and made him wear a pair of white gloves over them.

He raised his right hand and gestured everyone to be silent.

At once, a perfect silence fell over the conference room.

Huo Yunshen looked down the table with an icy calmness and said, "Thank you all for coming. I know everyone put in a lot of effort to hold this conference today. If you're having worries over whether to remove me from my post, there is, in fact, no need for it. Today's general meeting is not even necessary because it is meaningless."

As he said that, everyone exchanged looks. Huo Jingtang's face became even harder.

Everyone knew that he had waited a long time for this chance to hold a general meeting. But now Huo Yunshen had come to destroy his hard work with a single speech.

Meaningless? Huo Jingtang thought.

Did that mean that he was planning to fight him to the end?