Finally Found Her Father

"But I don't know him…" Ying Bao said. Ying Bao would rarely play with kids that she wasn't acquainted with, and she only had a handful of friends. The only kid that she'd actually get to know after returning back was Tang Feimo.

"Then I'll introduce you to him," Huo Yunshen said. He knew that his father and mother were fans of Ying Bao and wanted to bring her back for them to meet her.

"Okay," Ying Bao nodded and saw her mother coming back. "Xi Baby, Uncle Dimple invited me over to his house tomorrow, can I go?"

"Of course you can."

"Yay! Mummy, you're the best!" Ying Bao cheered as she jumped on the couch. She was so excited that she forgot to keep her relationship with Xu Xiyan a secret.

"What did she just call you?" Huo Yunshen asked, turning his head to look at Xu Xiyan.

"Cherry, why don't you tell him our secret?" Xu Xiyan smiled at Ying Bao.