Satisfy Her Wish

Xu Xiyan only gave a vague answer. After all, it was because of a special situation that Huo Yunshen had brought her back to his house.

"Oh." Ying Bao puffed out her cheeks, not able to argue with her mother's answer.

After Xu Xiyan asked about her daughter, she talked with Huo Yunshen about some of his father's matters.

As they continued chatting, the topic of dinner came up unexpectedly. "I'll cook tonight. How about we invite Orange and Dazhi over for dinner, too?" Xu Xiyan asked.

"Sure," Huo Yunshen agreed cheerfully.

Under Xu Xiyan's influence, he agreed that it was a good thing to hang out with friends more often.

He had always been a lone wolf in the past. After his accident, there hadn't been anyone by his side he could talk to.

Xu Xiyan looked out the window and said, "Mr. Huo, could you tell the driver to stop at the Fresh Hema Supermarket over there? Let's go and buy some groceries."