He’ll Be On His Own

Huo Jingtang instantly understood what Xu Xinrou was implying, he wasn't an idiot.

If what Xu Xinrou had said was true, if she was able to give birth to a child for him, and if Huo Yunshen's daughter were to disappear, then Huo Jingtang would have a very high chance of claiming the spot of the next heir.

It was as if his frustration was suddenly gone.

"You sure are my think tank," Huo Jingtang smiled and hugged Xu Xinrou. "Now that you're going to have our child, we should move forward with our wedding. I'll go back and have a talk with my grandpa."

"You have to remain calm when trouble arises," Xu Xinrou warned. "You should go back and apologize for your mistake as sincerely as you can."

"Of course," Huo Jingtang said as he picked Xu Xinrou up and headed towards the bedroom. "But before that, I think I should reward my adviser first."