Like a Ravenous Wolf

Mr. Li used a spare keycard to unlock the door to Room 1128. He opened the door and entered the room, hardly able to contain his excitement.

The room lights, dim and hazy, made the place seem especially sexy and romantic.

He immediately began looking for his prey as soon as he was inside.

He spotted someone under the blanket on the large bed: it was a girl, her long black hair spread over the pillow.

Mr. Li sprang into action. He immediately removed his clothes, brimming with excitement. In a flash, he had shrugged out of his clothes and was now naked as the day he was born.

He had mastered the art of shedding his clothes because he had done this many, many times.

"Heh heh, I'm here, my little beauty! You naughty girl, you left me hanging for five years!"

Mr. Li pounced upon the girl on the bed like a ravenous wolf.