Sleeping Together?

Huang Guoqiang frowned. He adjusted his suit and said nonchalantly, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

The reporters were all trying to look over his shoulder to see if Qi Liya was in the room. To their surprise, right after Huang Guoqiang walked out of the room, he was followed by the main creatives of his production crew: the scriptwriter, the cinematographer, the production sound mixer, and the editor.

This was evidently the morning after an all-night script study session with the main production staff. Where had the tip-off about Huang Guoqiang and Qi Liya sleeping together come from?

As the group of reporters stared in confusion, Huang Guoqiang began walking away, his head bowed in serious discussion with the scriptwriter regarding future plot changes. He looked so earnest and professional the reporters could not help feeling guilty about taking up his valuable time.