What A Small World

After leaving Jingyue Entertainment, Xu Xiyan headed straight for the set to continue filming.

The shoot in the morning went by without a hitch. She had a working lunch at noon, and once the lunch break was over, it was time for the afternoon's shoot.

She was in the middle of a take when she heard the wail of an ambulance's siren from outside the set. Several members of the production crew began to wonder why an ambulance had come.

Someone went out to see what was going on, and returned to say that Qi Liya, the leading lady for "Red Sleeved Beauty," had been in an accident. Xu Xiyan's heart sank when she heard the news.

She pressed for more information, and learned that the accident had happened during one of Qi Liya's wire stunts: she had been suspended in mid-air when the wires suddenly snapped, sending her plummeting to the ground. It had been a nasty fall.