You Just Made A Gay Man Out Of Me

"Of course," said Huo Yunshen, without a moment's hesitation.

His darling daughter was going to perform on stage; of course he was going to help cheer her on.

"Okay! I'll do my best, I won't disappoint Daddy and Mommy. Go me!"

Ying Bao was in high spirits. She extended a tiny fist and bumped fists with her parents.

The next day, Xu Xiyan, Huo Yunshen, Ye Xun, Fang Xiaocheng, and Wang Dazhi attended the talent show to cheer Ying Bao on.

In order to stay incognito, Huo Yunshen had disguised himself before entering the venue. Nobody recognized him.

For her semi-finals performance, Ying Bao chose the cheerful song "Filastrocche e Tiritere" from Little Choir of Antoniano, the Italian children's choir.

The dance song Cherry Baby had chosen was extremely upbeat and catchy. The audience was quickly swept up in the song's cheerful exuberance.

She was just a little girl, but she knew how to dominate the stage and hold her audience captive.