Indescribable Anger

"That's right," said Huang Guoqiang, his face carefully blank.

Xu Xiyan turned to the woman in the hospital bed and said with genuine concern, "What about you, Ms. Qi? Are you feeling better? These flowers are for you."

"Much better. Thanks."

Qi Liya accepted the flowers. She inhaled the floral fragrance, and smiled.

She had not broken any of her bones, but a nail on the set had punctured her lung. She would have to stay in the hospital for a while.

Xu Xiyan was relieved to see Qi Liya looking alert and otherwise healthy.

She turned around and saw that there was already a bouquet of roses in the vase on the bedside table. She knew at once who had brought them.

She said teasingly, "Oh my, looks like someone already brought you roses! Let me see, there must be at least 99 roses in there. Who are they from?"