Going Too Far

The nurse knew who Qi Liya was, but had referred to her with her bed number in accordance with the hospital's special privacy protection measures for celebrities. "Ms. Qi, your medical report is out. We would like to ask someone from your family to go over it with the doctor."

Xu Xiyan asked, "Ms. Qi, is no one from your family around?"

"Xiao Ke looks after me, but she had other things to attend to this afternoon."

A wounded look passed over Qi Liya's face, but it was gone before anyone could catch it. She'd had a falling out with her family several years ago, when she had insisted on going to Peijing with Peng Sicheng to further her career, and had not been in contact with her family ever since.

Her assistant, Xiao Ke, was the only one who genuinely cared about her well-being now.

Since there were no family members around, Xu Xiyan decided it was time for her to step up to the plate. She volunteered herself.