You Better Be Grateful

The only thing Xu Xiyan could do now was to try her best to comfort Qi Liya.

"I know. Jing Xi, why don't you come back another day? I need some time alone."

Qi Liya put the report down, and lifted her empty eyes to the ceiling. She was extremely depressed; a veil of sorrow hung over her.

"Sure. I'll be going now. Call me if you need anything."

Xu Xiyan squeezed Qi Liya's hand. She left the hospital room with a troubled heart.

Outside the room, she bumped into Xiao Ke, who had just returned. Xu Xiyan pulled the assistant to a secluded corner and briefed her on the situation. After that, she left the hospital.

Qi Liya was now alone in her hospital room. Her thoughts were in a jumble, and her heart ached terribly.

She was overcome with grief and sorrow. Tears streamed silently down her cheeks.