Shocking News

"What gossip? Let me see."

Xiao Yuqian ended the call and immediately turned on her computer to check the news sites.

There was a gossip piece about Huo Yunshen, headlined: [Shocking News! Award-winning Actor Huo Yunshen Has A Daughter! (Photos Inside)]

The "shocking news" lived up to its name. The article was forwarded and shared all over the internet in record time. The internet forums were flooded with discussions about it.

[Huo Yunshen already has a daughter? So I guess the earlier gossip about him having a gorgeous wife has to be true, right?]

[This proves that our prince charming can still do it, if you know what I mean. He has a child! All those trolls who kept saying he's impotent can get lost now.]

[OMG, that little girl in the photos, isn't that Cherry Baby, the internet child celebrity? I love her! ]

[Is that little girl really Huo Yunshen's daughter?]