Shocked Out Of Her Wits

He had never seen Xu Xiyan like this before. She looked so anxious and helpless that he could not help but feel his heart tense up too.

Xu Xiyan had been tensing all over with anxiety. When Huo Yunshen asked her, she could not restrain her tears anymore and let them trickle down her cheeks.

Xu Xiyan was usually a strong woman. Yet at this moment, she was shocked out of her wits and was completely overwhelmed with anxiety. She was so helpless that she looked like she was about to break down.

She didn't know what else to do except shed tears.

"Little Xixi, what happened? Just tell us?"

After hearing that it had something to do with Ying Bao, Ye Xun became very anxious too. He guessed that the child was most likely in trouble.

Huo Yunshen became even more worried as he watched her cry. He handed her a handkerchief and asked her, "Don't cry, Jing Xi. Tell me, what happened? You said Cherry is in trouble. What happened to her?"

"Huo Yunshen…"