I Want You For Sure

After taking a deep breath, Xu Xiyan knocked on the door twice and pushed it open.

Ying Bao was sleeping soundly while Huo Yunshen sat by the bed with a laptop on his leg while he worked on some business-related work.

He heard the knock, stopped what he was doing and raised his head.

He quickly closed his laptop as he noticed that it was Xu Xiyan who walked in. "You're here."

Xu Xiyan's heart skipped a beat as their eyes met. She stared at him quietly as if she wanted to engrave the picture of her prince charming into her mind.

The man kept smiling as he also returned a calm and affectionate stare.

"Uncle, explain this," Xu Xiyan said as she pointed to the ring on her left hand.

It was still the same as before, the natural and warm conversation.

She did not even greet or address him with the flirtatious way that she'd thought of.