Filled With Sarcasm

Yang Qiong and Ning Xin sat together, talking about the audition as if they were besties.

Yang Qiong noticed that Xu Xiyan was standing in the crowd, and she nudged Ning Xin and said, "Hey, tell me my eyes are okay. Is that Jing Xi?"

"It is!" Ning Xin exclaimed as she followed Yang Qiong's finger and saw Xu Xiyan sitting alone on the other side. "Is she here for the audition too?"

Even if Ning Xin did not follow the news intentionally, she also knew who the newcomer who just rose to fame was from her friends.

What was more was that Xu Xiyan had a scandal with Ma Haodong.

Xu Xiyan wore a plain grey hoodie without any accessories while every other person who was there for the audition wore glamorous clothes and jewelry.