Still Unwilling to Give Up

Yang Qiong was acquainted with Xue Yating, and she knew that Xue Yating was the daughter of the Industrial Lord, Xue Zhengrong. Xue Yating was one of the richest and well-known young ladies in all of Peijing.

She still remembered that she had sat next to Xue Yating when they were at a charity dinner.

It meant that they were acquainted.

If she could befriend Xue Yating, she could use her to get out of the tricky situation.

"Hi!" Yang Qiong greeted as soon as she stopped in front of Xue Yating. "Are you here to buy some clothes too?"

"What's the newest addition here?" Xue Yating asked as she raised her head.

Xue Yating thought that Yang Qiong was one of the shop assistants.

"Miss Xue, don't you remember me? It's me, Yang Qiong!"

"Yang Qiong? Which Yang Qiong?"

Xue Yating had completely forgotten who she was.

"We sat together at the charity dinner, remember?" Yang Qiong said as she tried to hide the awkward situation.