Pay for Your Sins

On the other side, soon after Yi Xiao had asked his men to move An Xianming and Xue Yating to another location, the door to the suite was kicked open and in came a few men with cameras.

They snapped a ton of shots the instant they came in and realized something was off.

"Take them down!" Yi Xiao ordered.

All of Yi Xiao's men sprung into action and held everyone who came in on the ground.

Yi Xiao looked at them from above and asked, "Who sent you?"

"No one!" one of the paparazzi said.

"Lying are we?" Yi Xiao smirked and signaled his men to beat them up.

"I'll speak… I'll speak…" one of the paparazzi begged with blood on his face. "It was Yang Qiong who told us that she'd drugged An Xianming. She paid us to take photos of him having fun."

"Yang Qiong you said?"

"And Yang Biao. They are waiting for us at the Mudan Suite."

What nerve! Yi Xiao scolded in his head. They dare to stay and wait?