Mr. Cherry vs Rabbit Mommy

Xu Xiyan was speechless. Why were they trying to match-make her in their video for Chinese Valentine's Day?

After the little girl finished making her wish, she blinked her large, lively eyes as she asked: [Aunt Orange, will the handsome uncle show up?]

Aunt Orange put a finger to her forehead in mock concentration: [Yup, he's here.]

Cherry Baby: [How will he find my mommy?]

Aunt Orange: [Maybe he'll sing a song, and your mommy will know it's him when she hears it.]

The broadcast ended. At the same time, the beautiful melody began to play once again; it seemed to be the opening to a song.

Once the prelude ended, a deep, irresistibly alluring voice began to sing, loud enough to carry across the night sky.

[How long is two thousand days and nights?

They're gone within a finger snap

If it means you'll be by my side

I can wait forever…]