Too Hasty

"Don't bother me, I'm typing."

Xu Xiyan shrugged her shoulders and nudged him away.

"Don't type anymore, come hit me if it makes you happy. I swear not to hit or scold you back. If you're still unsatisfied, you can punish me by kneeling on the keyboard—or even on a durian."

Huo Yunshen spun her around so she would face him. He lifted her chin up with his fingers and looked into her eyes.

"Why, you seemed to be quite happy out there. You even had a beautiful woman to keep you company," Xu Xiyan said, voice heavy with irony. In fact, she was not very angry. It was just that she was feeling a little bitter inside.

"Are you jealous?"

He raised the corner of his lips slightly as his deep and charming eyes smiled at her.

Xu Xiyan lifted her delicate little chin at him. "Who said that I'm jealous?"

It was clear that she was jealous but she was too stubborn to admit it.