Hug Her Tightly

"She was your first love, and it never ended. You even have a child with her!" Xu Xiyan shouted. "I'll file for a divorce tomorrow, I quit! Have your life with her and her child. I'll lead my own life with Ying Bao, and we'll never cross paths again!"

Huo Yunshen realized something was really wrong if it even made her suggest a divorce. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"Jing Xi, what did you just say? What child?" Huo Yunshen asked as he frowned and grabbed her arm.

Xu Xiyan pulled her hand back and got up. She turned around and sobbed, "You already have a son with Tang Shixue, don't you dare tell me you have no idea about it. How long were you going to hide it from me? Until the world was filled with children?"

I have a son with Tang Shixue? Who made that up? Huo Yunshen lay on the couch, confused.

"Jing Xi, where did you hear that? I've only hidden one thing from you for my entire life, and that is my identity."