Act First, Report Later

"Actually, he majored in film directing back in school. In the beginning, he had started out as a background actor. Later, when he had the resources, he started his own studio and became a director, and made a trendy style online drama. I think it looks promising but he couldn't find anyone to invest in it and his studio is on the verge of closing business. He was desperate when he came looking to me for help, but I don't know how I could help him. So, I was wondering if you have any ideas to help him out?"

Fang Xiaocheng briefly explained to Xu Xiyan about her friend's predicament.

After listening to Fang Xiaocheng, Xu Xiyan pondered for a while, then said, "Can you take me to see your friend?"

"Sure. We can go there now."

Xu Xiyan followed Fang Xiaocheng to look for her friend.