Give That Scumbag Chu Yuhe Another Ugly Surprise

"Oh my, President Chu is finally enlightened. Yes, you're right. I want Juxing; I want all the shares you own."

This was Xu Xiyan's purpose for giving him the poison. She wanted to force him to hand over Juxing to her.

Juxing Entertainment had been built with her mother's 80 million yuan. Without that start-up capital of 80 million yuan, Juxing wouldn't have come to exist.

Looking back at all the damage he had done, he was already lucky that she only wanted Juxing and not his life.

Chu Yuhe had totally not expected to summon a hungry demon by calling Xu Xiyan for help.

In the face of her cutthroat starting price, he had no choice but to accept it.

"Okay. I can agree to it and give you Juxing."

"Talk is cheap. Put it on paper then, sign it and you shall live."

Xu Xiyan took out a contract and placed it in front of him.