Did Not Hide It From Him

"Nothing," Huo Yunshen said.

He was in a good mood and wanted to have fun with her. He lowered his head and sent a message to Mr. Yim. After sending the message, he shifted from the one-seat couch and onto the couch Xu Xiyan was sitting in.

Xu Xiyan's phone rang, and it showed that she got a message. She unlocked her phone and noticed the message was from Wing.

Huo Yunshen saw his on-screen name on her phone and laughed secretly as he asked, "Who's that?"

"Oh, a friend."

Xu Xiyan felt that it was all right for Huo Yunshen to know her friends, so she did not hide her message from him.

She opened the message in front of his eyes, and it was a simple three words message.

[I love you.]

Xu Xiyan eyes widened as she checked again only to confirm it was from Wing.

What the heck? What's this? Did he make a mistake?