The Gamer’s Depression

Huo Yunshen and Xu Xiyan quickly separated from each other as Huo Yunshen picked his daughter up and said, "Come on, let me hug you."

Xu Xiyan scratched her head as she looked at her daughter having a great time with Huo Yunshen. She had a weird feeling in her heart, as if her husband had been stolen away by her daughter.

She wondered if it was because her desire for Huo Yunshen had intensified.

Xu Xiyan walked over to them, and the three of them hugged together while the two adults kissed Ying Bao on her cheeks at the same time.

Ying Bao was happy because of the kiss as she took out her drawings and said, "Daddy, mummy, the drawing is finished. Here, have a look."

The two adults looked at her picture that had four squares on it.

In the first square was two adults while a little kid stood in the middle. It was obvious that Ying Bao had drawn herself with her parents.

The second square was two adults sticking together.