There Was More To It

Ning Xin vowed to have her revenge. When she stepped out from the restroom, she met Ma Haodong who had just come out from the men's restroom.

"Brother Haodong…" Ning Xin immediately rushed over to Ma Haodong as though she saw her savior, grabbed his arm and cried.

"What happened? …Ning Xin?"

Ma Haodong was shocked. He realized it was Ning Xin after recognizing her voice. But… how did she become so wretched?

"Brother Haodong, I was beaten in the restroom just now," Ning Xin said woefully.

"Who beat you?"

"It was Xiao Yuqian, and Jing Xi too. They've joined hands to retaliate against me. Just look at how they've beaten me up."

"That's impossible. How about I get someone to send you home now? I'll go look for them later."

If someone said that Jing Xi had beaten up someone, he would believe it.