He Shall Play Along With Him

In fact, the reason why Mo Yutian had come to Peijing was not only to find the girl who had helped him in the past, but also to find out the real identity of Zeus, the murderer who had killed his brother.

Simply put, his first purpose was to repay someone's kindness, and the second was to have revenge.

That's right. Mo Yutian wasn't his true identity either. His true identity was actually the world's most hated boss of the Dark Zone—Long Xiao.

Mo Yutian was just his alias, and the Tianyu Group was also one of his means to deflect suspicion from his dark identity in public.

His real occupation was running the world's second largest mercenary group—the Dark Zone.

The mention of the Dark Zone would give anyone a bad impression of maliciousness. The Dark Zone represented evil and darkness. Therefore, Mo Yutian would need to use a comely identity to hide his real self.