I’m Just Doing My Job

"My dear wife, do you know how attractive you are tonight?" Huo Yunshen asked. "I really want to rip your dress and…"

But before Huo Yunshen could finish his sentence, Xu Xiyan stopped him and said, "Stop! It'll be bad if Tingting comes back and sees us. You should get another room!"

Xu Xiyan was staying at the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in D City with Xue Yating. It has two floors, and guests could see the whole city from above. She was worried about Huo Yunshen taking over the room like it was his.

"She should be the one who should get another room. I want to sleep with my wife."

Huo Yunshen arrogantly kissed her without even taking his mask off.

Both of them were too immersed in their kisses that they did not hear the door open.

Xue Yating had just come back from the venue and swiped her keycard to open the door.