Unspeakable Trouble

The three of them arrived at the private hospital, and Xu Xiyan escorted the other two to the preparation rooms.

"Are you two sure about this? Do any of you want some more time to think about it?" Xu Xiyan asked as they were about to sign the agreement for the surgery.

Both of them assured her that it was what they wanted.

They had troubles that were hidden deep in their hearts.

Xue Yating could never give birth to a stranger's kid because of her family.

While Ni Xuelin would never risk giving birth to the child of an asshole. She was afraid that he would use her child to threaten her.

There weren't many women in this world that would dare to be pregnant for 9 months and give birth to a child on their own.

Examples like Xu Xiyan who could do that were almost like something that would only appear in fiction.

They signed the agreement and proceeded to the surgery room.