Just The Perfect Opportunity To Try Something Else

He had made this movie in half a year and for the purpose to win this year's Golden Goose Award. He was very confident in his work and he was also grateful to all the actors who had participated in it.

One of the most noteworthy actors was Jing Xi. She had given an outstanding performance in the movie and showed no signs of unsureness or pretentiousness that a newcomer actor would usually show. It could be said that her performance had greatly enriched the film.

In all fairness, her acting skills were much better than Huang Yanran.

To celebrate the success of "Root of Evil," Director Peng Sicheng treated everyone to a feast. He had something in mind, so he went to look for Jing Xi to talk to her privately.

Xu Xiyan did not know why the director was looking for her. "Director Peng, is something the matter?"