Never Needed Him To Intervene

No one knew that the Louise-Krylova perfume company was actually one of the offshore companies belonging to Mo Yutian. It was not registered under the Tianyu Group so it was difficult for the average person to find out that it was his company.

When Mo Yutian came to Zstan, he had also brought LK into the country. Originally, the main person he had meant the advertisement contract for was Jing Xi of Jingyue Entertainment.

It could be said that it was he who had arranged for her to become the brand endorser for the whole of Ysia. He hoped that she could become a brand endorser under his company. This way, they would have more reasons and opportunities to meet up with each other frequently.

As for Xu Xinrou's ability to participate in the audition, it was purely an exchange of interests.

When Mo Yutian had learned about the audition results and that Jing Xi had been defeated by one point, he immediately ordered his staff to change the results to retain her.