Keep Your Mouth Shut

Xu Xinrou blamed LK for seating her in Business Class and not in First Class.

In truth, it was not that LK did not want to seat them in First Class, but it was because First Class was fully booked by a certain someone.

As Xu Xiyan was resting, she could feel someone kicking her legs. She opened her eyes, and it was Xu Xinrou who had her bitch face on.

"What?" Xu Xiyan asked as she frowned.

"Get up! I want the window seat!" Xu Xinrou requested.

Xu Xiyan realized that Xu Xinrou was starting to become more like a robber.

Who does she think she is? Xu Xiyan scolded in her head. Does she think that I'm gentle like Hello Kitty because I did not bite back at her?

"Why should I even do that? This seat is mine, there's no reason to give it to you."

"I have motion sickness! Don't blame me if I puke all over you!"

Not only had Xu Xinrou made up an absurd excuse, she even acted like she wanted to puke. It was a disgusting sight.