The Inside Story Of His Illegitimate Child

Now for this double endorsement, they might end up becoming inferior to the other if they were not careful.

Looks like if they wanted to defeat Jing Xi and reap their glory, they had to come up with some dirty tricks.

On the first day of their trip, they toured the LK headquarters to learn about the culture, background and the origin of the company and also to meet with the LK advertising executives.

When their work here was about to begin according to schedule, a scandal related to Huo Yunshen suddenly broke out on the internet back in Zstan.

[Illegitimate Child of President of the Huo Group Huo Yunshen Exposed [Photos]]

All netizens who had read this news were in an uproar. Everyone already knew that Elvis had a daughter, but how come he had an illegitimate child now?

And from the picture, the child's eyes and brow actually looked quite similar to Huo Yunshen's.

The news came like a pebble to the water that stirred up a thousand waves.