Post-Abortion Syndrome

After making a few changes, the photoshoot for the Sweet Angel began.

Xu Xinrou stared at Xu Xiyan, unable to believe that Xu Xiyan was able to make something out of it.

As she looked at how the people complimented Xu Xiyan, she regretted not going with the white dress.

After the photo shoot was completed, the editing and publishing were next.

In the meantime, it was time for them to begin the actual shooting for the commercial video at a beach in Fstan.

The dresses for the video were still the same, one black and one white.

Xu Xinrou quickly chose the white dress, leaving Xu Xiyan with only the black dress to choose.

Yet again, both of them attracted every person on the scene as soon as they came out.

The director did notice that they switched their dresses but did not comment any further because of the effect it gave.