Always Stealing Her Limelight

However, when she took her assistant Fan Tong and strode past in front of the reporters, they did not react, as though she was invisible.

What's going on?

She had already come out. Why were they not interviewing her?

In order to attract their attention, she took off her sunglasses and revealed her celebrity face.

Finally, a reporter noticed her. He pointed at the woman who was stubbornly standing in front of them as she flaunted herself. "Look, isn't that Xu Xinrou?"

"Do you want to interview her?"

"No way! She's an embarrassment to the people of Zstan. Interviewing an uncultured actress like her is a waste of saliva."

"Exactly! How could she still have face for coming back?"

As Xu Xinrou listened to the reporters gossiping all at once, she felt as though a storm cloud had come rumbling over her head, shocking her with a violent lightning strike.