A Private Space For Two

The meeting of the Huo Group that was scheduled at two in the afternoon had been going on for nearly an hour.

Huo Yunshen had told the participants at the meeting to speak as concisely as possible and that was why the meeting had not been dragged out with unnecessary topics.

After the meeting was dismissed, Huo Yunshen hurriedly left the meeting room.

As soon as Huo Yunshen left, all the nervous executives breathed a sigh of relief. How lucky of them! The president had not brought up any difficult problems today. It was the first time in history they'd had such an easy-going meeting.

They had gotten word that his wife had come. If this was the case, no wonder he had ended the meeting early and rushed back to his office immediately.

Huo Yunshen pushed the door of his office open, came in and then pushed it back close. As he walked into his office, he spotted the girl who was lying on the sofa on her side, sleeping.