In A Very Dangerous Situation

Not long after, Xu Xiyan's health inspection report was ready and everything looked normal. The doctor scheduled her operation for the next day at 8 am.

Early in the morning on the next day, Xu Xiyan was ready to go to the hospital. Huo Yunshen and her daughter accompanied her to the Peijing Children's Hospital.

Before entering the operating room, Xu Xiyan hugged her husband and daughter.

When Huo Yunshen released her, he said softly, "I'll wait for you outside!"

"Don't worry, I will come out soon."

Ying Bao stroked Xu Xiyan on her cheeks dearly as she encouraged her, "Be brave, Mommy! The injection only hurts a little."

"Okay, got it! Mommy will keep it in mind!"

Xu Xiyan rubbed foreheads with her daughter lovingly, then turned and walked into the operating room.

The glass doors of the operating room closed, and they were separated into two worlds. Huo Yunshen would be lying if he said he was not worried.