How Afraid I Was To Lose You

The time now was barely past 8:15 am. They wanted to complete the craniotomy in two hours and then smuggle Jing Xi directly out of the hospital?

Who exactly was behind this?

What were their intentions?

Since Huo Yunshen could not get an answer at the time being, all he could do was to vent his anger at these damned doctors.

He pulled the scalpel out from the back of the spectacled doctor's hand, flipped it over and stabbed it in his throat.

There was a gurgling noise as blood gushed out from the spectacled doctor's throat and his body fell to the ground with a thud.

One by one, the other stunned and frightened doctors and nurses were also dealt with by Huo Yunshen.

After taking care of them, Huo Yunshen immediately checked on Jing Xi's situation. When he confirmed that she was not hurt, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Even so, he was still so scared that he had broken out in cold sweat all over. He was terribly distressed.