It Was Time To Repay

"Do you think I'll still believe your words? You better confess everything, and maybe I can still spare your life," Huo Yunshen said as he looked at her coldly.

At this moment, his promise to Tang Shiguang to take care of Tang Shixue back then had been cleanly voided by her actions.

"It really wasn't me, Brother Yunshen. I chose to back out long ago. I only wanted to live peacefully with my son. I also didn't expect that Mike needed a bone marrow transplant for his illness, and it just happened that he needed Jing Xi's bone marrow…"

Tang Shixue tried hard to explain, but it only made Huo Yunshen even angrier. "Shut up! I've ordered someone to investigate the truth. Your son's and Jing Xi's bone marrows are completely incompatible. It was you who colluded with the doctor to forge a fake bone marrow compatibility report. Do you still deny it?"

"No, I didn't. I really don't know what was going on…"