That Man is He

Zhu Xiaoli was stunned but continued to ask, "But the scandal about Miss Jing -- sorry, it's Mrs. Huo now… Does the scandal about Mrs. Huo sleeping with some random stranger five years ago affect you?"

Most of the people who saw this part couldn't help but admire the courage Zhu Xiaoli had for popping the question.

But out of everyone's expectations, Huo Yunshen did not get angry.

He answered every question like a breeze, but he thought over every one of his responses.

"It does affect me," Huo Yunshen said as he raised one of his handsome eyebrows. "That random dude was me."

"…" Zhu Xiaoli was stunned.

The crowd at the site was stunned.

The crowd in front of the screen was stunned.

The dude was not some random dude A or random dude B, and it definitely wasn't Huo Jingtang.

The truth was that Xu Xiyan had an intimate relationship with Huo Yunshen five years ago.