Looking For Backers To Support Her

Yang Qiong had a backer too; that was why she could afford to have a complete plastic surgery make-over and start a new life.

After listening to Yang Qiong's words, Xu Xinrou felt that her method was feasible. "What you said makes sense, but in my current situation, where am I going to find someone to back me in a short time?"

Yang Qiong's eyes arched slightly. She leaned in to whisper in her ear, "If you trust me, I can introduce some to you."

Xu Xinrou was tempted. Right now, she had a desperate lack of support. She hoped to have a dozen of them to back her so that she could walk proud and tall again.

After the two reached an agreement privately, Yang Qiong became her middleman and introduced some men with powerful connections to Xu Xinrou for a dinner date.